Austin Friends of Folk Art Collection

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015 in collection highlights, collections, news. 2 Comments

The Travis County Archives is pleased to announce a partnership between Travis County and the Austin Friends of Folk Art, to store AFFA’s collection of artifacts, photographs, materials and objects at the Travis County Archives. We look forward to making these items available to the public through exhibits and displays throughout county buildings. Burnished pot from […]

Media Services photograph collection

Monday, March 2nd, 2015 in collection highlights. No Comments

From the 1980s until the 2000s, Travis County Media Services, a division of Travis County Records Management and Communication Resources, photographed a variety of subjects, including the work and activities of Travis County elected officials and employees, county parks and natural areas, and local elections. The Travis County Archives recently added photographs, negatives and slides from […]

The Travis County Seal

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 in Uncategorized. No Comments

The Travis County seal was designed by County Treasurer Johnny Crow and adopted in 1975. A document called “The Legend of the Official Travis County Flag and Seal” details the history of the seal: An act of the 64th Legislature of the State of Texas in 1975 amending article 2344, enabled the counties of Texas […]

Extension Service Reports from the 1950s

Friday, January 9th, 2015 in collection highlights, Travis County History Day. No Comments

The Archives recently uncovered 3 partial reports from Travis County Extension agents to the Commissioners Court, dating from the 1950s. These items would have been great additions to Travis County History Day 2014, the theme of which was 100 Years of Extension Services in Travis County. Click the links to view the reports, which include photographs of […]

Preservation work of the Travis County District Clerk

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 in research. No Comments

In 2008, District Clerk Amalia Rodriguez-Mendoza launched an important project to identify District Court case files of historical significance and to preserve them in their original form for future use and reference. With the assistance of an archivist, and in collaboration with several notable judges, lawyers, and the District Attorney, case files dating from as early as […]

Travis County History Day 2014

Friday, November 7th, 2014 in events, Travis County History Day. No Comments

Many thanks to everyone who came out and celebrated our 7th annual History Day and 100 years of Extension Services in Travis County! A big thank you also goes out to everyone who helped make History Day such a successful event: our committee; special speaker Dr. Doug Steele, Director of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension […]

Photos of the June 1935 Flood in Travis County

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 in Uncategorized. 3 Comments

One of Travis County’s largest floods occurred in 1935. On June 15, 1935, Travis County and surrounding areas were hit with 22 inches of rain in the span of three hours. The heavy rains flooded large parts of Austin, and the Colorado River crested at 50 feet. Without an effective flood-management system on the Colorado, […]

The Servant Girl Murders

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 in collection highlights, collections, research. No Comments

In Austin in late 1884-1885, 8 individuals were murdered by what was known as the “Servant Girl Killer.” The victims included Mollie Smith, Eliza Shelley, Irene Cross, Mary Ramey, Orange Washingon, Gracie Vance, Susan Hancock, and Eula Phillips. From The Servant Girl Murders were a series of crimes, including eight murders, carried out by an elusive […]

Thank you!

Monday, June 2nd, 2014 in news. No Comments

The Archives extends a big thank you to the following University of Texas iSchool students, who generously donated their time to rebox and sort approximately 800 cubic feet of records: Emily Johnson, Megan Martinsen, Lisa Ellis, and Rachel Winston. The records had previously been stored in a non-climate controlled warehouse, and included records dating as […]

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